University of Washington Flow Cytometry Laboratory

University of Washington Flow Cytometry Laboratory
I've been promising pictures, and this is the one I have with me at work right now. I promise I'll put up cool pictures... this century.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Waxing omnipotent

Hello all. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I've created this blog to help me collect and chronicle my thoughts during my 3 month stay in Nairobi. I would like to think that this blog will give an interesting perspective on health care in Africa. Unfortunately, I'm not working as intimately with health care as I thought I would: I'm working at a research compound where lab tests are done for incredible research projects. However, I'm understanding now that systems are always just a manifestation of a local culture, and that the systems of the local culture are characteristically congruent (accounting for the varying locations within a location, say Nairobi, that is). If you're still with me, then you understand that despite my smattering of various posts, I have faith that they will offer a substantial yet irresolute perspective for you all to take gain from.

The title of my blog came, of course, on an afternoon whim. During my attempted meditation at lunch, I decided to direct my wandering mind away from dichotomy, and towards a space with more... well... space. I tried to envision not just right vs. wrong, but the two always in context with an ambivalent observer. It was very refreshing, and surprisingly fun and easy to stick to; and it helped relax me before my afternoon mental workout. The title of this blog is supposed to embody my 'outside' perspective, which focuses on a society and people that thrive, interact and function with the same constructs that Americans have created: family, religion, government, love.

But I must deter you from being excited due to false pretenses, because this blog has no answers. (Actually, it probably has as many lies as truths.) There is no 'outside' perspective that can be uninvolved, only another perspective that is fully dependent on the others. Three may be the magic number, but only because I can blog about it. Additionally, I'm sure that this blog will be more self-indulgent than objective, at times.

In closing, thank you for reading. I love you all. And I can't wait to hear from you.


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